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Hot tub heaven

The hot tub at Infinity Lodge in Chamonix, surely with one of the best aspects in the Alps

A moonlit night, the stars for a canopy and the distant lights of your chosen resort add up to an experience that stays in the memory long after the winter snow has melted.


Man’s relationship with the health giving properties of water is as old as the hills. Many town’s and cities in Europe have risen to prominence because of the natural springs and spa’s they built themselves around. The Roman’s built bath houses in many of these town’s and cities to facilitate the use of the healing properties thought to have been contained in the waters and to luxuriate and relax in social groups. When the Roman’s left and locked the door behind them, bathing went out of fashion, the medieval church tried to close down the public baths and what was once considered to be the height of civilisation was now considered the work of the devil himself. It was widely believed that the bath houses were the cause of disease and illness and certainly not the cure. By the 18th century we’d come full circle, the wealthy flocked to the spa resorts around Europe and the pastime became respectable once more.

It doesn’t take a great leap of the imagination to transfer the idea of spa’s and all things watery and relaxing to a private residence. SunBoutiques portfolio of luxury ski chalets is awash, no pun intended, with rain showers, hammams, saunas, jacuzzi’s, baths of all shapes and sizes and outdoor hot tubs. It’s easy to see the attraction of an outdoor hot tub. There you are, wallowing in the hot water, in sub zero temperatures, steam rising, laughing and chatting, sipping champagne or glugging a beer or two. Or maybe just the two of you, a romantic rendezvous, with the stars for a canopy and views to die for. Or just the pleasure of your own company, a chance for a little naval gazing, star gazing and praising the amazing scenery on offer.

The hot tub at Infinity Lodge above Chamonix is a case in point. In the evening, on a clear night it almost feels like you are amongst the stars. High above the Chamonix valley standing proud in a vertiginous location, you can see the lights of Chamonix far below. It’s a double wammy, floating in the water and floating in mid air, heady stuff indeed. Another hot tub with commanding views is the Les Anges jacuzzi in Zermatt, same deal here, stars above, twinkling lights below, you are the captain of Starship Les Anges Hot Tub, but the only warp factor here is the wrinkly skin effect from luxuriating for far too long.

The hot tub at Trois Couronnes above Verbier is a truly stunning example of what can be achieved with a simple wooden vessel if placed in the optimum position. Sitting outside a breath taking luxury ski chalet of the highest order, the hot tub is placed in such a way as to obtain the best possible views of Verbier far below. On a moonlit night the distant snow covered mountain peaks are ghostly and surreal in appearance. The jacuzzi at the Zermatt Peak is another stunning example of making the most of what is really just a very large bath. Half in, half out with sliding glass panels above you get the best of both worlds here, the stunning views over Zermatt and the peaks beyond and the stunning views of the interiors in what is arguably Zermatt’s finest ski chalet.

The prize for imagination and ingenuity goes to the Backstage Chalet, again in Zermatt. The renown polymath Heinz Julen has conceived and executed the last word in hot tub wizzardry. Hold tight for the ride of a lifetime, the receptacle actually rises from this top floor residence, up and out through the roof. Once out in the open, the 360 degree, uninterrupted views are amazing. This James Bondesque decadence is going to set the bar high for some time to come. It’s pretty hard to imagine how this could be topped. If it is, my money’s on Heinz Julen to come up with another fantazmagorical contraption.I think someone should come up with Anti Prune Skin Potion then we could spend as long as we liked in these wonderful hot tubs.