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A hot tub amongst the stars - coming soon

The Backstage Chalet in Zermatt

A journey into the night sky in a hot tub seems like the stuff of dreams and that’s exactly what it is, Heinz Julen's dream turned into reality.


Naming your son after a famous brand of ketchup may seem frivolous but Heinz Julen’s father August was paying his respects to a close friend and member of the Heinz dynasty. He promised that if he ever had a son he would name him after Mr Heinz. And on 29th February 1964 that’s exactly what he did. And so Heinz Julen was born and has since developed into an exceptional artist with an extraordinary career.

Heinz Julen is a true visionary and polymath, never afraid of a challenge, his imagination sometimes outstrips what others think possible. Even at the very beginning of his artistic journey he wanted to control every aspect, from building his own studio to the way he gained knowledge. The art school way wasn’t for him and he soon realised that he would be better suited to teaching himself all he needed to know to realise his own visions. A year at the School For fine Arts in Sion soon convinced him of that fact. Heinz is a “hands on” person, he was still a young man when in 1984 he constructed his own gallery in Zermatt to exhibit his paintings and sculptures. As he gained knowledge so his confidence grew and his imagination soared to new heights. 

The Backstage Chalet is the latest in a long line of projects that Heinz Julen has conceived and constructed. The focal point of the Backstage Chalet is a hydraulic hot tub that rises up and out through the top floor roof. Only Heinz would have the imagination and persuasion to produce such a centre piece. This new and exciting addition to the Zermatt skyline is due for completion in early December and is already attracting guests, the first confirmed booking is for christmas week and boy are the clients in for a treat. As they ascend through the roof in the hot tub, the night sky will be revealed and a 360 degree aspect will unfold. The views will be terrific and awe inspiring, just as Heinz had planned when the project was first conceived.

Heinz Julen is no one trick pony, not only will guests be treated to this James Bondesque feature but the chalet will be populated with his art and practical objects. From light fittings to furniture, all off the Heinz Julen production line, his passion and imagination evident at every turn. One has to admire his courage and conviction and skill in turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. A stay in The Backstage Chalet will inspire and remain in the memory for years to come and those interested and inspired by such things will be introduced to a creator of dreams and a true revolutionist.